happy april fool's day.
wow. it's april already. time really flies. but even though it flies crawling.. all of a sudden it feels like 3months have juz past me by in a blink of the eye. but yet living this 3months has seemed like half a year going by. wad an irony.
31mar, saturday.
emo day? and i realised i forgot..
happy birthday samuel.
happy birthday zac.
yeah. okay. so i got emo-fied. went for service sat through the whole thing. and my cell group decided to go town with me. well towning at esplanade didn't really help much. maybe it juz incurred to me some thoughts but nvm. thanks for towning. i guess towards the end was better when i outta a sudden went a little crazy with ailin all because i suggested donut. after we parted i treated myself with anderson's ice cream and took a stoning session at the alphaO1 allocated area around the fountain of wealth. okay. it was a pity the fountain wasn't displaying it's beauty that day. why? cuz they opened it to the people desperate to get their hands on the water or fortune. lolx. couldn't find anything else to do so i juz came home. thoughts had to be shoved back. yes shoved.
1apr, sunday. today.
happy birthday justin.
get another round of routine sunday.
but today i learnt alot of things. mainly about infatuation and real love. how many of us actually think we know the difference between them both.. and as teens it's like whatever we call love iz actually in fact what adults call infatuation. well i can console myself this way can't i? lolx. well.. it's good to learn more by simply reading and accquiring knowledge. maybe this iz why i love books so much. they teach you things that sometimes people cant understand and express and teach. maybe people are juz too shy? or maybe people are juz as ignorant as i am. i guess whatever it iz, i tink it's always good to know the difference between what's lasting and what's not serious. lest it saves you from the nonsensical heartbreaks. and subconciously you know that what you've lost iz in a good way -- a blessing in disguise (:
*throbs @23:50 <3
There .
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